Friday, November 13, 2009

Bermuda Triangle

Ahh the Bermudas a tropical paradise, fun for everyone. For some yes, but for others venturing towards Bermuda's triangle be weary. Mystery shrouds the area with a dark allure. Many stories have been strung about this specific place and most not all that friendly. What is a fact is that several anomalies have happened in the triangular area. Numerous ships, planes, and people in general have seemingly been wiped from the face of the Earth. Compasses and electric reliant machines almost fail 95% of the time while in the area making it very difficult to examine.
The compass being messed up is what raises in a red flag in my head. That means a electromagnetic field with enough power to disrupt a compass in that area. I'm not quite certain and I'm not saying I'm an expert in this area or anything, but this is what makes the most sense in my head. I would be more then happy for someone to prove me wrong or show me some more evidence on this electromagnetic theory. Then either way if I am correct or wrong there still lies the question of what is making the compass go out of control. Such a tool that relies on little work from humans and more of nature.
One of my days strolling though Bermuda triangle theories i came across an alien themed theory(huge believer of aliens, just unsure if they are intelligent enough to pay us a visit). Some people think that an alien base is at the depths of the triangle, and that their advanced technology is what is interfering with our equipment when we go near the area. Why the aliens would choose that specific place is past me, but i would guess research.
Some more people threw in the idea of there being a sort of area where two different dimensions meet. Such as a 4th dimension intersecting with our 3rd dimension selves. Just the pure energy of the connection is what throws off our best attempts to gain specific knowledge electronically. That even possibly people go missing because they get "sucked" into the other dimension. This is a tad harder for me to swallow, but i would love it for this to be true. Who wouldn't want to go explore a new dimension?
Then probably my favorite theory that at the very center of the Bermuda triangle is a worm hole. A worm hole is like tear in the universe that will allow you to jump through to a different area in the universe and possibly a different time(remind me to show you an example with paper). What interests me about this is that very close to Japan they have a similar triangle called the Dragons Den (or Dragons triangle). Having almost the same traits as the Bermuda triangle. Making some people believe that a worm hole goes through our Earth and connects one distant place to the other. If this is indeed true we could think of a way to travel at incredible speeds to Japan if all the variables are in our favor (very unlikely)
I gave up on writing about my day when i was sick, pretty sure David is writing about it.


  1. shit; only one way to findd out, lets go & explore.
    bu i gota doo alota stuff frist jus in case we dun com back.
    i hope they have polar bears there.

  2. better, they probably have lava bears
