Friday, November 6, 2009

Re-Statement of purpose

I just finished re reading all of my past blog posts and I'm kinda sad. I thought i would talk about waaay more interesting stuff but i apparently i was wrong. No worries though im determined to get more into my writings. My biggest hope was to share my novel that I am having trouble continuing. Sadly I am not all that motivated to post let alone come up with new material for it. The remainder of my posts have almost no plan behind them and was just on my mind at the time i decided to post. Albeit i did touch on a few subjects i planned on writing on before.
I noticed i write in "chapters" almost, meaning i write as much as i want (or as little) then post the remainder relevancy of the story in my next post or a future one. I wrote mainly on personal things and topics that mainly involved me, myself, and I. This quarter i feel like i should take an ego check and write on something more universal and that more people would not normally know about.
Space has peeked my interest beyond belief right now. I am finding more and more as i mindlessly surf through sites. Did you know Scientists discovered a "ribbon" that surrounds our galaxy. It protects us from other galaxies colliding with ours and screwing up all of what we know.
I was excited to type about Japan and Indonesia but soon lost courage to. As i was thinking of what to write about them i though, "Hmm i really shouldn't right about Japan as i have only been there for a week. Being a wanna-be native will make over glorify Japan and create many statements bigger then life." So i decided to stay clear of Japan (for now)
Recently i have been looking up on studying abroad. I have spent countless hours, finding out about foreign schools that accept foreigners for a year, when i should have been doing PreCal homework.It's not too hard to guess which too countries are on my mind for this trip. Indonesia is my first choice. I was born there and i love everything about Indonesia so much, plus i have a basic language advantage. Japan, the land of my dreams which i have set foot on there soil only once before. I'm not super familiar with the language, but i wouldnt mind that.
Expect to see posts about traveling, space, random shizz, and hopefully my novel (dont hold your breath)
( I am also feeling super better then i was a week ago, beware God you cant kill me with just disease i am becoming immortal) ;D
P.S Looking for someone who will help me rule the world~

1 comment:

  1. You talk about lacking the confidence to tackle certain topics...your novel (which I don't think I was aware you were working on!) and your time in Japan. If it's not the right time to work on these things yet, that's totally fine. But don't let fear of "failure" slow you down. You just gotta dive in and try things. Writing a novel, first of all, is a huge job which is pretty much impossible to do work with fellow novelists! (There are several in my classes...unite and rule the world together.)
