Wednesday, February 10, 2010

genocide rough

Genocide is purely a human species invention. You don’t see other species of animals killing each other for a stupid reason like different shade of fur. It’s quite ridiculous how humans as such an “advanced” species who has developed such a complex array of language and comprehension we still revert to violence when we see it most effective. What is the use of words if we don’t even take them in account and go straight for our fists and guns? Animals may be violent, yes, but they do it to survive. They never go overboard and wipe out a whole species. Dolphins and whales have a huge brain size compared to their body hinting that they are rather intellectual beings. They even have one more layer of brain that humans don’t have (if my recollection is correct from an article I read) some would say they are more intelligent then us. Humans (in my eyes) seem to judge intelligence on how advanced animals are at using and creating tools. The way I see it when species do this they rapidly deplete their resources. In like what, a tiny three thousand years? A single species has never tormented the Earth in such a way, I’m sure. I believe an intelligent species is one that doesn’t make its environment turn on them and support its own food source. Dolphins are friendly to most species. It eats small fish and dolphins even protect other marine life by taking on a shark now and then. It isn’t rare to hear stories of dolphins saving people whom are under attack from a shark. Dolphins have even used a tool that other animals use and turned that into a language, sonar.
A philosopher I studied a few months ago, Thomas Hobbes, believed that humans were born evil. That if a human were to be left unobserved they would take the selfish and naturally evil way course of actions. Hobbes continues to say that humans need a single person (philosopher) to lead the rest of us like sheep, for we cannot make the correct decision on our own. To some extent I agree with Hobbes. It truly takes an evil being to even process the thoughts of genocide let alone actually commit to the idea and carry it out. I don’t think all of humanity would agree to killing off a certain race or religion, but sadly I think there is still a percentage that would gladly agree. Humans are rather easy to give in to pressure. Fear could make parents throw away their own children if they are scared enough, whether for the children or themselves. Other just like the power if being "superior" to another group of people that is not them. Either really confused or not bright people may think genocide is better for the world. "Maybe that race IS out to get us all. We must band together and get rid of them before they get rid of us." Hypocrisy thy name is humanity. People like Hitler actualy though they were doing the world a favor by eliminating people that were not "good enough" What in nature could inspire this way of thought? I don't think nature has the ability to be so hateful. Instead of Hobbe's idea i believe that society shapes the individual human, depending on how they see the world and universe around them. A chaos filled environment will have some obvious side effects on the development of a person. I think religion has a huge impact on this also. As far as we know humans are the only species who can think of the idea of religion. Personally i don't really have a religion i strictly follow, although my family is Muslim. A lot of people blame their radical ideas on their religion. I bet when i say this a lot of people instantly think of Muslims. Hitler was on a religious craze and he wasn't Muslim. People interpert their religious beliefs their own way even Christians start shooting people if a certain message in the bible seems like thats what it is saying. I don't like religion because it gives people an excuse.
This is all a work in progress and i will gladly improove on this soon.
"humans are a virus they leech of their host and leave it when no longer needed"

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