Friday, February 5, 2010


She touched the box in her pocket and smiled to herself. The Royal messengers had no idea that Rin had so easily pick pocketed. They were engrossed in watching a common street fight unfold. What hope did the government have if such high ranking messengers were so easily amused and distracted. This was why she couldn't wait to leave the corrupt lands of Japan. Judging on the messengers clothing Rin determined that those men worked for the shogun.
Rin gracefully weaved in and out of the crowded streets of market day. The excitement of fresh new goods was wafting through the air. The feeling of excitement could not be compared to Rin's though. The rush of successfully stealing from the royal messengers was still pulsing throughout her body. The rush was only one factor of her excitement. With such an item being put in the trust of royalty meant that what ever was inside was going to fetch a hefty sum. Deciding she was far enough Rin slipped inside an alley to take a closer look at her loot.
The box was wrapped in a brown cloth with black black designs that seemed to pop out at you from within the cloth. The cloth alone would sell at a high price alone, and this made Rin's smile even deeper. She would be able to buy some actual fitting clothes instead of the glorified rags she made. Carefully unwrapping the box she noticed it was incredibly heavy for a box the size of her fist. The box was made out of redwood, which meant it came from far away since Japan did not have redwoods. It was smooth and every centimeter of it was decorated in a coal black or a deep red. In the upper right corner was the obvious sign of a red disc symbolizing Japan. It was definitely Rin's best steal.

sorry time is really pressing on me this is barely what i have on paper i have alot more but im finding it hard to find the time to just sit and type. Im going to try my best to focus~

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