Sunday, July 4, 2010

crazy hike segment

So today i went on a 7 hour hike at Mt Tomepias or something similar to that. This whole summer i wasn't really planning to blog until the very end and have a nice recap, but this is so out of the blue i have to share with you Mr Sutherland!
I was hiking in a nice shady area when a blur to my right comes racing down the steep slope. Thinking it was a rock i didn't pay attention to it as it tumbled to my feet. Naturally i didn't stop since it was only a rock in my mind but it turned out to be a bird. I have no idea if the bird was running extremely fast or if it was just falling but it came right across my left foot as my stride took motion, sadly kicking the bird. Luckily i didn't severely hurt it and it flew away after that incident, but it made my heart pound.
Well that was very surprising to me.

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