Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[CE] Protest

This report brings about familiar feelings within me. I'm not going to lie and spout that I came up with the phrase, "All these countries are rising up, fighting for their education, but when are we going to?" I've been clearly brainwashed by Mr. Sutherland, but in all honesty I have done nothing to show my concern for the turns my educational future seem to be taking. 
As a student, I'm jumping through all of these hoops that I'm being told to jump through. I believe because I havn't been fully exposed to it. Currently I am trying to make the most of what I have. At this point in my life  I see that focusing on school work, which takes up much more time then others would assume, gives instant rewards( ie good grades).
I feel like Protesting is the main things someone like me would be able to do, and at this point I don't see how I could muster up the time and effort needed to be behind that. When I've asked a couple of my friends how they would feel to protest with me, they told that they felt as if they wouldn't make a difference. This constant reply has really brought my spirits down, and sadly I'm starting to agree with them. Unless we can muster up a nations worth of action, I feel as if my efforts will be easily squandered.
While I believe education is something that needs serious reforming, I am lost as to what I can do, without hindering my own educational competitiveness, to change our educational system for the better.


  1. "I've been clearly brainwashed by Mr. Sutherland"

    Not good. Not good at all. Stay away from me for a while... ;)

  2. A fuller response:
