Sunday, January 22, 2012

Uplifted restrictions

With Mr. Sutherland no longer leading our english class, the chains on our blogs have been lifted. Which means I can say whatever the fuck I want to, thanks Mr. Bill o' Rights. That was harsh, and intended towards my school's administrative personnel. You see they had forced our teacher to no longer allow us to post on our blogs(as a school assignment) leaving me fuming with rage, as I felt my constitutional rights were being violated. However, it was explained to me that since it was for school, school had a right to regulate what it is that we put out there in the public...since we represent them(kinda).  Well no more, no we have the power to blog as we wish.

Now I want to clarify that my posts aren't going to be negative like that last tidbit, I just felt I needed to get that off my chest. 

Today I have decided to start my own personal diary/journal/log call it what you will they are all the same to me. In doing so I really hope to organize my life more and focus on what is important to me. I've also heard that keeping a log of dreams (mine will be of everything) really helps you remember dreams overall more clearly. I'm going to take this big fat notebook with me everywhere. At this point I'm relatively confident that I want to keep my journal private, but things may change as the future comes around.

To begin my life's new organization I am cleaning my room, after all it's where I spend the majority of my time(home) and it should reflect me. Right now it's a mess, so I'm going to change that.

Good night internet.

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