Friday, October 21, 2011

[RE] ermm Germs.

Reading Haley Toot's blog I came across her Germs post, and it just made me want to comment on a few things that she brought up.
"   Viruses, bacteria, germs. Those are the real creepy crawlies that go bump in the night. They hold all the power in the world. They can decimate populations, cure diseases, and ruin someone's week.[...] They are an impartial organism, only doing what they are meant to do, but what they are meant to do can be very good, or very bad."
I love the fact that Haley did not fail to mention that germs, while usually cast in a bad light, are in fact extremely helpful to humanity. So many things that people consider germs, and try to get rid of, are often times just microbial beings that have no known intentions, but pure instinct. I thin kit is vital for people to understand that germs can be just as good to humans as we automatically think they are bad for us.

I am not a person to back cleaning your hands every 5 minutes with some weird alcohol fluid(hand sanitizer). Those fluids kill 99% of ALL germs, it does not discriminate towards which germs it exterminates. It kills the good guys as well as the bad guys. Well what happens if you have no good guys or bad guys, then you touch something bad... then your skin is exposed to only the bad guys with no counters available. We need our good germs!

People who don't expose themselves to germs are more suspect-able to become infected at a later stage of life, and in a more severe way. By running around with germs you are making your body adapt and create anti bodies of those bad ones, so once they come by again your body is already prepared to kill off a second offender with more speed and more efficiency.

In all, embrace germs! Make your body resilient. Or spend a good portion of your life plotting every moment to make sure exposure is at minimum level for the rest of your life.

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