Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Blog Statement

For my blog i plan to write a variety of subjects. I would get terribly bored if i didn't. The topic I'm most interested about posting is the story I've been stalling on for about a year now. Hopefully posting it publicly i will get some readers who will give me feedback and hopefully let me improve my overall story.
Another topic i would love to write about is Indonesia. I was born there and i love everything about Indonesia from the terrible polluted cities to the beautiful forests. It would be awesome if other people read what i type and become more interested in Indonesia, and even for them to travel there or find out more about it. I have the best memories from Indonesia and it would be cool to share them.
Talking about Aliens/Conspiracies would be fun. I'll put some links and talk about what i think about it. Hopefully it'll make other people think or even get them interested in whatever it is that i post, and that they might be able to have a conversation about it later. Some of the stuff could be super awesome evidence while others could be poorly made hoaxes.
Japan is another country i would love to share my views on. Anything from Otaku stuff to technology and even history stuff; anything that i find especially interesting. Japan is just going to be fun to talk about. Ive been in japan for about a week and it was pure awesomeness~ I will undoubtedly add more topics as i stumble upon more interesting stuff.
I want to use this blog as a means to improve my grammar, typing speed/skills, and to get to my point without beating around the bush too much. Plus I can improve and gain researching skills on topics that I've been interested in for years but was too lazy to get around to.
~Wow thanks for reading my wall of text~

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