Friday, September 25, 2009


I wasn't really involved in music until the 6th grade. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but i suddenly was involved with rock/alternative/j-rock music. It was an amazing experience that made me want to learn how to make such amazing or calming sounds on a guitar. When i arrived overseas in Indonesia in the summer of 5th grade i had to buy a guitar. I had no idea how to make the slightest pattern to make a enjoyable song. I had to wait a year until finally i was in the 7th grade. Being in the 7th grade gave me the opportunity to take lessons during actual school time. So instead of paying hundreds of dollars or being in some boring class i was able to play thsi wonderful instrument. I loved that class so much i took it again the next year and got my basics to a solid. I knew my way around the neck, i knew octaves, and how to read music. As i entered high school my practice sessions started dieing away slowly and only seemed to peak during test times or heavy homework days making it a hindrance. lately i have been trying to play more on the weekends when homework isn't so staked up against me. Currently i have noticed that me coping another songs strumming pattern is the most difficult part of me doing a cover.
My favorite bands to cover ( not necessarily listen to) are Weezer, Muse, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, and interpol. I preger playing lead since it has mainly single notes and an easy riff, as to rhythm which has a constant strumming which if you cant catch on or even fumble for a second could throw you off. For soft or slow songs i rpefer playing on my nylon acoustic guitar which Ive had since i could remember. For the more fast or songs that cover all over the neck i use my red Strat which i bought from Indonesia. Playing with friends has become bothersome for me. I don't practice as much as i used to causing most of my friends who like to jam with me to get ahead and im just sitting there bewildered by their awesomeness.
Nowadays being able to play the guitar is standard to most people. It's gettign harder and harder to show off to people by saying "hey i play the guitar" do some tiny little part and getting the reply, " oh that's cool but check this out" and they totally out play you. That doesn't matter too much though it just fun to see yourself progressing on parts and bits of songs.
Japanese word of the week: daisuki = I love/like you/it!
P.S David and Nathan idc you grammar nazi's stop trolling >:[
loove you

1 comment:

  1. I'm a guitarist too, and believe me...there are tons and tons of us. I've NEVER been able to impress anybody with my playing, because there are ALWAYS too many other guitarists around, shredding way better than I can. But I still like to play. It relaxes me, if nothing else.
