Friday, October 30, 2009

So today

I've been sick for about two days now and I'm hating it. I'm so bored at home and Radar (my dog) is so annoying when he barks at people pass. Today was different though, my friend Nathan called me up and told me he wanted to go bike riding. Naturally I said yes since I didn't go out for a whole day. In the middle of White Collar (an amazing new tv show) Nathan arrived. I went to dress and it took us forever to get ready. Our other friend also named Nathan came over and that got me into working faster to get our bikes out. As we got outside we got a call from David saying that he couldn't pump his tire. Kind of annoyed we waited in front of my house trying to tell him across the phone how to use the pump correctly. Eventually we (the two Nathans and me) just went to the gas station and filled up our tires with fresh air.
We decided to meet up at the Bay Farm bridge (about half way from our houses). Going some park that I'm drawing a blank on I'm pretty sure we saw a group of people play Quiditch ( Harry Potter) and i felt a sharp pang of jealousy. As
As we approached the bridge Nathan Tieu's chain went off and it took us several attempts to fix, since we are such bike geniuses(/sarcasm).
David finally met up with us at the end of the bridge along with Brandon Ng and Sean who we just greeted and went along our own ways. We decided to bike along the bike path that goes around Bay Farm. Being sick i was dieing from dehydration and was complaining until we found a water fountain that had enough pressure to not disgust me. I learned how to ride with no hands at an adequate speed and distance.
I will continue next week I'm about to die TT_TT and hi Hali (counts as me talking) about you. (sorry for minimal word count and probably multiple mistakes)


  1. i feel so special, i get two words dedicated into your blog this week.

  2. im dieiing from a sickness be nice to me =(

  3. i learned how to ride no hands faster than you?

    whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa. D:<
