Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Writers block a beginning authors and veteran authors worst enemy. Our brains being so complex and being able to see and imagine in different ways how could we as intellectual beings "run out" of ideas? Most of yo uare probably thinking, "Come on Ahdum we all know that noone uses the full capacity of our brains of course we have trouble with making up new ideas!" To you people the percentage we use is still vast and more then enough to be creative AND original!
Some people claim that ideas do in fact come to them, that they just are not worthy. WORTHY!!?? No such thing write it down anyways it will spark your mind to thinking more and more until BAM the best idea ever comes floating into your mind. Sutherland talked about this a couple days ago (I was still writing a draft before)and I'm sure he has numerous ways to help you get over it.
For me the culprit is laziness, as it is for a vast majority of people. I'm almost 100% positive that if i try to write ( for my novel) i would surely get some ideas down. Every time i try to though i always find something that is more important to do. I barely write anymore so how can i boast to be an author??!?!? Writing in general is a very important to me at this moment of my life.
To write fluidly you can't be thinking "what will others think of this?" or "I seem so immature when i talk about this" WRONG (in my opinion) When you are writing it should come straight from your heart or my favorite your imagination. It shows everyone in closer depth of how you think as an individual. Imagination is something people think they lose as they grow up. I find that a terrible waste of a brain. Might as well say, "I wanna stop thinking for myself do everything superiors tell me and get a lame-o job that is barely keeping me awake." Imagination its so wonderful to me its your own personal world or take on any world. Anything and everything will happen its that feeling that keeps me wanting to have an amazing dream or write in such a way that it grabs your attention in an instance.
Kinda switched topics, but i tried to write fluidly uhhh hope you didn't strain your eyes too hard to read this.

1 comment:

  1. Most of yo uare probably thinking, "Come on Ahdum we all know that noone uses the full capacity of our brains of course we have trouble with making up new ideas!" To you people the percentage we use is still vast and more then enough to be creative AND original!


    this jumped out at me because it IS in fact a common misconception that we only use a small percentage of our brain power at any given time. I grew up believing this--think I heard it from my big sister when I was a kid. But if I'm remembering it correctly, the more up-to-date brain research I've read (and I'm no expert, mind you) says we use all of it, constantly.

    Just thought I'd chime in with that... ;^)

    I also appreciate your take on the importance of writing. Music to my ears.
