Friday, December 11, 2009

The body, a hinderance?

So today we all saw the amazing TED video on replacing limbs with a more decorative theme. She uses her legs more or less to show off her unique-ness. Very stunning and i think it is an amazing way to have a fashion sense.
I would replace so much of my own body. Being human i love instant gratification and having limbs that are more able to get me what i want NOW!!! or make daily life a ton easier is something to look extremely forward to. I'm pretty sure most people could think of several body parts they would want to replace but for me i would love to change or upgrade my eyes. The eyes, something most people would not notice if i altered them. I would love for my new eyes to be able to zoom in and out focus on the smallest atom to focusing onto the vast stars in space. These eyes would also be able to take pictures and record videos for later viewing, WHICH IS AMAZING. The eyes would be able to see infrared and other lights our eyes cannot see. X-ray obviously for the more mischievous reasons that dwells on the inside of us all. An internet browser installed in my eyes would be pretty nifty as well!!
All this talk of replacing limbs or yet your whole body reminds me of an anime called Ghost in the Shell. An amazing and though provoking anime well worth looking deeper into. In a world where the norm is to be in a full body prosthetic crime has changed so much. It gets a lot harder to take down a body that only has one or two organs cleverly hidden. Bullets become useless to a body with no nerves or can simply turn off nerve sensors and restrict blood flow to wounds. Warfare is drastically changed. Your body could be hacked and taken over by outside forces a whole different way of living for the better or for the good it would still be interesting.


  1. Ghost in the Shell
    good anime if ur into the technology n stuff :D

  2. yess.
    i think i would just get the left eye to see the unseen,
    &the right i would leave untouched to see the things im meant to see.

    an eye that could see the smallest molecule of our DNA, within genes to atoms the unknown, or to see distant stars before they are seen as 'died out', its like having eyes powerful enough to see through time.
    i think its worth it O:
