Friday, December 18, 2009


This year instead of P.E i decided to take Judo for an interest in something different and because of my deep love for Japan. As i talked to more people about it turned out a lot of my friends were also interested in joining Judo. I was super excited when i learned i had Judo with my best friend. Judo is a throwing martial art. In class we learn massages and yoga on Mondays to relax the body and mind. Middle days we learn new throws or spar. Fridays we learn Ju-Jitsu which is illegal to use in Judo matches, but quite helpful in perfecting small movements and street self defense.
The first couple days of Judo were a breeze as we learned how to slap the ground and role. Mainly because David N. taught my how to role before hand in the summer. Our first throw was Ogoshi a forward hip throw. I felt uncomfortable practicing this throw as you had to stick your but in the other persons crotch and push in to get good leverage. Being a rather slim guy at 100lbs I had difficulty lifting my partners. Only a few weeks later Ogoshi is now my go-to move. The left handed throw for Ogoshi is already half way set up in a normal stance. I'm no longer conscious about what body parts are touching anymore and that gives me the ability to throw with full potential.
For each new throw we learn i keep facing more difficult challenges to move my body in a certain way to throw my partner without using so much of my energy that i become super tired. After some self examination i noticed I'm trying to lift people with my upper body while my legs just stay there to keep me up right. When in fact it is much more useful for many of the throws to bend your legs and slightly at your waist then pivoting. With this it is more more efficient for me to throw opponents who weigh a great deal more then me which is sadly common =(
My partner is normally Stephen a Chinese guy about my height and size just a few pounds more then me. For some reason it is difficult for me to get a good throw on him in practice. Yet when i practice with David who is considerably heavier and a few inches taller then me i can throw with much greater ease. Maybe its because its easier for me to get under David since he is taller? Maybe i take Stephen too lightly? These are all factors i must figure out before entering in a major tournament (our version of finals) Will write on this more hopefully.

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