Friday, January 29, 2010

Sneek peek and books

I was always fascinated by alternate realities in novels and stories in general. Where the author obliterated history as we know it and wrote in what he thought would be a much more interesting or suitable history for the planet, or even universe. Well i guess there is an official word on this that i must have blanked on, Fantasy. The mind can roam and you can let out your originality. The very few free writing or "fun" writing i do on my spare time is 99% fantasy. I feel as though writing about the world as we know it a bit restricting. This time around I am trying my best to mix actual facts with uhm overly fantastical fantasy. Say that 50 times fast,tiring huh?
The setting will be in Japan (mainly) and probably later on in the story our main character Rin (girl) will have to travel to get certain tasks done. Japan just has such beautiful scenery and i can of course artistically blend certain elements together to make it so much more alluring. My all time favorite genres are action/adventure/romance/fantasy, actually not all that hard to find, but I find most bland. In a simple way i really enjoy reading good writing, and have a immense disdain for crappy writing. Very recently i have grown fond of reading about zombies and post-apocalyptic settings. Although i highly doubt there will be any zombies inside this story, there will be plenty of action and i am going to try to do my best a writing a love angle.
Another thing i am trying new is to have the quick writes as a direct influence on they story. From the very first line to the second scenery change have all been taken from a quick write we have done in class. Unlike my first story this one will not be written in a first person view. I found that it was rather difficult to explain and describe from a single persons eyes. This story will be a third person view just for the easier way of expressing what i see in my head onto the paper/computer.
One of my ambitions is to become a manga author. I have so many friends who draw in the manga art style and i would love to join something i already dedicate so much time into reading. I hope anyone reading this will check up next week on maybe the first chapter or half of the first chapter of this story that is developing as your eyes scan these words. Toodles~

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