Friday, October 2, 2009

Build On part 1?

So I have recently joined Build On, as you probably know. For me it wasn't just about the community service hours, although it was a huge bonus. I decided to join because I have a ton of free time on my hands, and i don't want to just spend my time idley on the computer or TV. I decided to get off my ass and give back to my community. Turns out it not even boring but uber (computer talk for super/very) fun!
Last Saturday a group of friends and I went to the Alameda County Food Bank. We got there earlier then we should have so we just spent some time climbing and jumping over stuff (as you might remember David is very into parkour and I am sorta also). When it finally began we were greeted by a bunch of kids from a different school and instantly made a couple new friends. Angela gathered us up and another lady who's name i forget starts to brief us on our jobs and how what we do helps out other people in need. As we disperse we slowly get separated into different groups to do the tasks.
David, Nathan, Nathan, Sean, a girl who's name i don't remember but is in our school, and I were all working together at a plum station. At first the task seemed so tedious, but i soon started having fun throwing the bad plums into the garbage box. I then challenged myself to best my other throws and out-flash myself in the way i throw them. Unfortunately i was the first of the group to throw a plum and miss. =( After filling up countless bags of plums the bottom of our box was finally coming into sight! Unfortunately we had to go take a break before we could clear our whole box.
The Break room was so crowded and i only had a drink, so this is all i will be mentioning about the break.
As we got back to work we got switched to a new station, the potato station. The potatoes were much more fun in my opinion. They filled the bags faster and I didn't have to look for any bad ones since they were all good. We went through the potatoes incredibly fast while having a fun time doing it. Lifting each bag of potatoes individual became yet another contest between our group, I am happy to say i could lift the bag by myself (barely).
Overall i had an awesome experience working with Build On and cant wait to do it again~
Japanese word of the day is Onegai which translates to: Please!


  1. i spy a misspelled word
    man, i wasn't even in your group working together :(

  2. This makes my day. I'm glad you had so much fun!

    I'll see you guys at the regional service project later this month.
