Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Seeing Williams (forgot his last name) windmill was really amazing. From just study diagrams he not only able to produce a close model to the picture, but that actually performed tasks. The books he studied didn't even touch on the advanced ways hes used the windmills. With one he designed a pump to get his own water using wind power. With the other he scavenged a conductor and made the windmill produce electricity. Instead of enrolling back into school i think he should become a new teacher for his town. His town could be renown for being a windmill based society and set a huge example to other countries and towns.
My uncle would love meeting this guy. Currently my uncle just got back from a different part of Africa after creating a merry-go-round to create energy for a village. Using PVC materials the object was virtually very cheap. After coming back to America he was thinking about how poor their water was. So right now he is designing his own PVC (very low cost and common materials) Windmill that would pump water for irrigation. So far he created the outer shell and made it so that he changed the spinning from the blades to a pumping action on the inside. All he needs is a piston and an outlet for the water. I think it's really interesting on how the whole structure works. I'm not too sure that all the poor countries or villages will have sufficient wind to keep a steady amount of water coming forth.
Williams reaction to coming to America seemed like a good thing. He was humorous and kept on topic. I believe it is people like William that inspire people from throughout the whole world to try harder and contribute to low cost technological advances. Japan makes a bunch of nifty gadgets that cost so much in price, but I think it will be more wise to keep an eye out for African inventions. They will have more purpose and usefulness then countries that have little to worry about for survival.
I'm not claiming that this is for sure just that this is my thoughts on what is happening right now.

interesting subject on dolphins and discussion on intelligent "animals"

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