Wednesday, March 10, 2010

book letter

So far i am loving every part of this book. The story is really progressing at a speed that i like. It's not too slow or too fast that makes you have to reread a whole chapter to just figure out what happened. Although the writing style is a bit difficult to get used to. At first i thought the story revolved around this one girl. Only to find out that the only time we see her thoughts and opinions it's in the gold print. It turns out the majority of the story is read by her mom's diary. A bit confusing at first, but eventually i got it.
Earthseed the religion of Acorn. Acorn being the city of course is a religion i wouldn't mind converting to. God is change and change is God. You may influence God and God may influence you. Very appealing in my eyes. A religion whose goal is to spread it's self into other planets in space is what really captured me. Acorn is a nice little town that i would love to stay in, in my post-apocalyptic world. A tight community where everyone has your back and has their own trade is very comforting in a world where you can barely trust the food you eat. I would want to be a scavenger looking for materials the town would find useful. Not the safest job, but definetly won't be boring.
I really enjoyed learning about how their world is so much different then ours. Although it seems so immensely different it feels like that kind of thing could happen at any moment. I mean they found life forms on mars, and yet the US sell all of their space equipment for aesthetic money for the higher ups. People just elected an obviously danergous racist president. People want to join the side of the oppressor instead of standing up and defying them.
I wonder if the daughter will stop reading the diary and take the main role later in the book. That is what i think is likely to happen.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm. Looking at this makes me want to summarize more in my next letter to the reading group.
