Wednesday, March 24, 2010

letter 3

So our adventure has come to an end. But im getting ahead of myself here. Our group has just rebelled and killed of their captors. Sadly they are deciding to split up the close community Olamania had worked so hard to create. WHY!!?!?! I don't think her plan is all that fool proof. She says that by splitting up Earth seed will be able to spread to more people, and still stay undercover. I doubt that the other member of Earth seed can preach as well as she does. How does she expect people to join unless they have such convincing speeches as she does?
Olamania Harry and the other lady... have decided to move to George town. I think this is one of her better ideas. She knows the people here for sure and they definitely have her back. I can't believe that she found one of the kids here! Seems very unlikely that in such a dangerous world one would just happen to show up where she was. Hmm Octavia might actually have a soft side!
Harry decides to leave on his own. I think i related to him the best. He was the guy who loved to work on the truck and other electronics. He went up north since that's where most people went.
Olamania found her brother, cool, but sucks that he is part of the Christian America. I got really pissed when he slapped Olmania i guess that's what Christian America does to people. EARTH SEED PWNS.
Getting closer and closer to her daughter Olamania teams up with another sharer. She seems to be a spoiled brat at first and i didn't like her at all. But eventually Olamania found out she had such a rough past and her bitchy attitude was to cover up her sharer abilities. And the they head north and pick up a few boys...well thats really as far as i got xD
I HAD NO IDEA THAT THIS WAS THE SECOND BOOK OF A TRILOGY!! CRAZY It totally makes sense as a starter book but its not.

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