Friday, March 26, 2010

Book Review

Parable Of The Talens written by Octavia E. Butler is a fascinating fictional tale of a future Christian America. A world where corrupt Christian America is starting more and more unnecessary war,and even more unnecessary "crusades" on their own people, Olamania tries to start her own community, her own religion, and her own way of life. Just as she gets her little compound progressing at a good pace the radical Christian Americans take it away, how will she survive the Nazi like behavior of her captors? With her super sensitive ability how will Olamania survive a world filled with such chaos and horror? The sequel of a trio trilogy this book will not allow you to put it down for even a second. If you are expecting to read this book prepare to be engrossed with it's contents. If you have an open mind and like to challenge your own beliefs then this book is a must read. You will be questioning your religion, your own being, and humanity in itself!
What was the author's purpose(s) in writing this book, and how can you tell? How well was this purpose achieved?
Octavia Butler created this book as a reflection towards the human behavior. The way the Christian Americans see any other people that have a different religion or even a different variation of Christianity is immediately deemed as a heathen and sent to a correctional facility. Of course these facilities are not actually meant to correct you, but more as an imprisonment camp. Everyone inside the camp is forced to wear a shock collar, the perfect tool since it never leaves a mark AND creates so much pain when activated, the most efficient tool in the time. People are forced to destroy their own religious symbols in public and dig their friend's graves. Forced to memorize bible verses in conditions identical possibly worse then the Nazi camps. They hypocritical Christians who say sex is horrible before marriage go about raping girls and men as they please. I believe Octavia is trying to explain to us how it's not going to take much at all to revert back to times similar to the Nazis. Only this time noone is for certain what side of conflict you will be on. Anyone could be the oppressor and anyone could be the oppressed. Octavia is telling us without a complete acceptance of all religions, "races", and sexes average day life could turn out to be world full of chaos. Octavia brings up the idea of modern day slavery and how it is so much easier to accomplish with newly designed shock collars. While some people might think this is too horrid or grotesque to be true, it is already possible. A simple slip of a dog collar around a unknowing human can have the same effects. Above all I believe Ocatavia's main idea to try to get into people's minds is that your life's results depends on what you do. If you want something to thrive you have to put the effort, time, and wise planning to get the deed accomplished. The main character Olamania was constantly being told to give up on Earthseed. No matter what she paid them no mind and kept the belief and spread the word to as many people as possible. Having been through severe pain, rape, mugged, homeless, and all the terrible things you could think of Olmania does what ever is in her power to keep Earthseed's vision alive.
For what audience(s) is this book intended, and how can you tell? (In other words, for whom would you recommend this book?)
This book is intended for people of young adults or people in search of finding out what they truly believe deep down. If you ever find yourself thinking, "Wow I'm not all to certain the religion i follow is that of a good one" then this book will make you really think WOW could this really happen? Could blind faith push people to do such disgusting things to their fellow human? For me i kind of found this books religious stand points amazing. I already have a biased towards the Christian religion and found the Earth Seed was a very nice change of pace then the normal teachings i hear from other religions. "God is change and change is God. You can influence God and therefore you have the power to change anything." I think that is a very solid way of thinking. People who would like to lose themselves in a good fiction book will get into this. This book will pull you inside and won't spit you back out until your eyes have poured over every single word. This book actually has quite a dark atmosphere. With the happy events occuring mainly in the beginning and sparse it's not a feel good book for those looking for one. This book is directed to people who have a knack for looking deeper into things. Not everything is as it seems in this book. Almost everything has a deeper meaning and reflects back on the mistakes we are making in the present that add up to the post apocalyptic world the Olmania lives in. Global warming is destroying crops and causing massive floods, the US is fighting countries (and states) that you would think would never be necessary and are still questionable, US has sold their space program to the Japanese even after they found life on Mars!, and other such things as gangs raiding each other. If you like knitty gritty survival books pick this up in a heart beat. You will be able to witness how people survive through these times of disorder and how other don't survive.
Although there are a few typos i have caught this book is very professional and intriguing. If anyone asks me about the book i would instantly tell them to just read a random page and dare them to stop reading. What really made me attracted to the book is the post apocalyptic setting. Parable of The Talents did a wonderful job capturing the whole roughness and realism. The fact that EVERYTHING in the book sounds actually quite plausible if applicated to real world settings, is what gives this book a position in my top 10 books.

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