Friday, March 19, 2010

Steam Part 2 chapter 1

You will not understand what is happening unless you read the earlier parts to "Steam"

Taking note of the sun and its low position she knew she would be cutting it close. The House had a strict policy to not let anyone inside after the sun was down. Caution was of the utmost importance. They recently have had several raids and were not about to let it happen again. The House was not actually a house but a rundown shed where small group of people lived. Full of thieves and the poor it was not a place you would go for vacation. A small close gorup of 10 lived snugly inside. Hoarding and crafts was their income. One persons income was shared to everybody.
Rin only had one close friend in the House, she was the newest member of the close knit group. Only taking her in after finding her half covered in snow and dirt.Haru who was a genius with his hands, but as sharp as a light bulb made his income through creating weapons and other needs. He was often teased for being able to create such weapons, but being a fool when actually using them. He was friendly and useful, two aspects Rin loved to see in a person. Haru, unlike Rin, had been born into the group. He learned his trade from studying pictures in books and spying on blacksmiths. He was the one who created Rin's prized curved blade. Trying to make it special he added amber and a red dye into the cooling metals and that created a vibrant red scheme. Often boasting how original he was, but rarely anyone saw this side of Haru.
Rin arrived to the tiny shack that was on the outskirts of Kyoto. The ideal place for thieves. To be out of mind, yet close enough to the hectic streets to make a profit. Knocking along the side of the shed then three more times on the door the familiar creaking and hiss of steam ran through the entire building. As the gears creaked the door slowly raised upwards. The handle on the side of the door was for misleading purposes. Slipping inside quickly she quickly pulled a lever inside that made the door fall at an instant with a very loud thump. Inside were 6 people laying around waiting for the next day. Each person had their own little hidden stash that they never shared with the rest of them. Rin didn't really feel like she felt like she fit in with these people. Quickly and without making any eye contact she made a bee line to a closet in the very back of the rusty place. Inside was a staircase, the shed was actually built on top of a underground shelter.
The three kids of the group not including herself stayed down here. The youngest was an American stowaway that was kicked out. He was still 12, yet a master of pickpocketing and begging. His bright blue eyes attracted locals and soon emptied their wallets to help such a cutie. Rin was the oldest. She was 17 years old. In he her mind she was in her prime for stealing and scavenging. Haru was 16 but only behind Rin by three months. The last kid was 15 years old and a fugitive from northern Nippon. Europe's first steam planes were testing out their flight range when an Asian country took them down. Ever since Europe has been trying to invade every suspect-able Asian country for the past 3 years. Unfortunately they were making good progress and colonized half of china and India.

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