Wednesday, April 14, 2010

combined letter

Hey Jacob and Tim I am quite positive you fellows are far ahead of me in page numbers. I'm certain i cant catch up with Tim but Jacob watch yourself! The Hot Zone dosnt take its time setting up the gut turning events. I'm up at the point where every time before i begin to read I make sure I didn't just eat. There has so many gruesome scenes and death. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the description usage since i can vividly see everything the author describes (to my dismay).
The first person we are introduced to is Charles Monet, Monet was a very adventurous person. Although lonely he was a satisfied person living in Kenya. He loved to go on hikes and camping trips, nature seemed to call him out. On this particular adventure Monet decides to bring some company, female of course(prostitutes). The two ventured off towards the base of Mount Elgon, a volcanic mountain with lushes surroundings. The mountain is full of millions of different species some probably never found yet(ominous for a disease book huh?). Monet had a knack for getting animals to trust him. At the entrance to the camp site he enticed a monkey to sit on his shoulder and eat straight from his hand. Sanitary? I highly doubt it. They made camp the middle of trees that towered over them like skyscrapers. Hmm escaping the city to get into a city of trees, well its a step up i guess? During the heavy rains that often occurred in this part of the forest Monet and his company went at it in the tent. Aids was not yet a huge fear among the human race. Hmm did they have condoms in Kenya? Do they now? I wonder how they prevent pregnancy back in the day.When the rain finally subsided our Monet decides to venture into the cave with his friend girl. Inside the cave the floors and walls were coated with guano (bat poop). Monet noticed the scratched up walls from elephants grinding their tusks to get minerals, and touched crumbling stone. As they went deeper they ran into a sticky film that was all over the back of the cave. Curious Monet also felt the texture and elasticity of the goo. OK RED FLAGS PEOPLE A GUY TOUCHING EVERYTHING IN A CAVE.......I dont expect him to live too long.
When Monet returns to his isolated hut in his Kenyan village he starts to feel a lower back ache and migraines. After not showing up to his usual locations in a few days friends came by to check up on him. Noticing how sluggish and horrible he looked they sent him on a small plane to a hospital nearby. During the flight Monet couldn't stop vomiting. Vomiting fine right? NOT IF THE VOMIT IS BLOOD...oh just blood? thats fine right? NOT IF ITS BLACK BLOOD. EW. Black blood is when your blood cells are infected. Once black that means the cell is about to explode with the virus. It's the way the virus is able to reach other hosts easier.
Once inside the hospital Monet was told to wait. Too bad the virus inside his body disagreed and made his anus fall off. Blood pooled from his body. Infected blood pools away from the mangled body. The virus made all of his muscles deteriorate in his body, it also liquidizes the organs within his body. The people who had to operate on Monets body said they were "up to their elbows in blood" his blood wouldnt clot, a severe problem. Monet died. I totaly saw this coming WHOOT. Hot Zone is incredibly gory something i wasn't really expecting, but now im sort of used to it and i can hang on to my lunch.

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