Wednesday, April 21, 2010

hot zone lettah

woah did not mean to prematurely post a blank blog, my bad.
Any who hello there ladies gentlemen and freaks of all kind, to this book that would make the hairy-lady's beard curl in a hurry. Like what i did there? Just for you Jacob. Jacob I think it's perfectly fine to leak SOME spoilers. People wouldn't just willy nilly click on a hot zone letter THREE thread without expecting a tad. I agree with you Jacob that the very beginning of the book seemed to have a very bloody hook to drag you within its gruesome pages. Although Charles Monet didn't seem to be a like-able character and is easily forgotten as new characters appear, such as the Stay at home mom who actually works with level 4(incredibly high) agents. The author seems to portray characters he likes with much more background then the ones that are a bit of a "filler" type in my opinion.
Somthing i havnt tried before, I am going to stray from talking about the book and answer/ ask questions with you guys (Jacob and Tim). For some reason i thought you asked some questions...... Ok well i guess i will just ask and speculate.
If an outbreak of the disease were to explode right now how would alameda react? In my fantasy i guess i see myself as being that one of the handful who are immune to the disease and go out and do heroic things. In an actual reality i fear that something similar to the move The CRAZIES would happen. Get rid of the disease by getting rid of the town. Blame it as a nuclear missile from another country? Honestly i think i would freak out. The question in my head is when i break would i be the kind of person who hides in the corner and silently dies away or the kind of person to go out into the world and seek help/attention. I don't think i would be able to risk the lives of so many if i could just die in a corner and contain the virus. But who knows? Maybe when your as sick as that survival instincts kick in. I'm pretty sure no one is morally perfect.
If a loved one were infected? I see two ways that i would handle this. Choice one make sure they are contained and killed painlessly, stopping the spread of the virus. Or i would be close to them if i really loved them. Share what they felt, and share their fate.
I'm curious what would happen if we sent a virus into space. Would it act differently without gravity?
All this talk of viruses makes me think of how humans are in a way a virus on the Earth. Using up all of it's resources so quickly while quickly copying ourselves within it. Maybe soon we will move on to a new host? Perhaps this isn't our first host after all? Were humans a bothersome virus that some alien race banished to that planet which held other bothersome creatures? Perhaps we are on the trail to becoming less of a virus? Perhaps we are becoming an even more powerful virus. Not related to the book, but just some thoughts that ran through my head as i was reading. Let the mind wander....

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