Friday, April 2, 2010


In the beginning of the year i believed this blog was pointless and noone would ever read it, besides you of course. I thought that this was useless and that i would eventually run out of ideas rapidly. It felt like such a burden to stray from my everyday routine to blog about something i felt half-heartily about.I would write the bear minimum and passed it off as something i worked hard about and spent a lot of time thinking about. In the beginning i thought that my friends and I would just brainstorm together and blog about the same ideas week to week. Since that is a really easy way of getting ideas and thoughts together.
Now that I've spent so much time blogging I've realized that this blog is in no way pointless. Through this blog i have explored ideas, thoughts, topics, myself, and other people closely. I was able to explore my own thoughts in depth and sort them out into a one way conversation with the reader. Then after a few hours to minutes if what i put out there was interesting enough someone would put there own little thoughts and i would be able to expand my ideas and see from a different vantage point. I would be able to spark conversations in topics that i was obviously interested in since Ive already posted it online. Another huge milestone of me realizing that this blog was far from pointless is when the author of a book i reviewed actually commented on my review. I was simply stunned. I was in a hyper frenzied mode for the next few hours. Someone who is famous and sold millions of books actually read my review and had the heart to comment on it. It gave me the knowledge that I'm not only posting to my class mates or to my teacher, but to whom ever stumbles upon my work and decides to take a read.
This gives me a whole new drive to to put stuff out there that will catch people's eye. Currently I am working on my own fictional story. I was overjoyed when i convinced my friend to also write his own story. The fact that i inspired one of my own friends to take up his own creative imagination is fascinating. We get to exchange story ideas and the whole works. It makes me want to keep going on with the story even when i hit slow spots, knowing that i could at any moment inspire someone with one chapter, one paragraph, or even on sentence is just so inthrilling.
Instead of blogging being a detour from my daily life it has become something of a reload point in daily life. When something has me engrossed in it so much that it can't escape my head then I must blog about it. If i think its so good someone else must also share the same interest somewhere in the world right? Blogging is now a time for me to unload all the contents of my brain into a stored and organized place. "i wonder what i was thinking about that week?" simply just head over to my own blog and i can self analyze.
I want to continue with my story more then anything right now. Then every now and then i would love to blog about whats happening to me in the NOW. Such as politic events or other major events that have captivated my attention. I want to explore my own interests and possibly learn even more interests that have eluded me so far. ANYTHING that makes me go, "wow that's amazing" will instantly be put into the blogging choices section of my brain.
I want my audience to be anyone with an open mind and an interest in all things. My audience is for me also, it's similar to an online diary. A diary that I'm happy to share with the world, and i hope the world will like the stuffs i blog about :3

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