Friday, April 16, 2010

plans for weekend

This weekend I am really excited for. Two things are happening. On Saturday I'm headed to Berkley to go on a date with my girlfriend. We havn't had a nice hangout day in so long, im really nervous. Then on Sunday I have a Judo tournament to attend and help run. I was never in a full on match with someone i never met before. This makes me a lot more nervous. I dont want to embaress myself in front m=of my sensei and friends. My goal for the tournament is to get at least 3rd place so that i win some kind of medal to show off. Plus it would proove that i am not utterly useless in Judo.
Today (Friday) I spent countless hours setting up for the tournament. Okay so maybe not countless but from fifth period all the way up until 6:30pm i was hard at work. First we had to take all of these heavy mats from the boys locker room. At first its a really easy task, but eventually all the mats that you pick up and with add up a heavy toll on your arms. The sunny afternoon weather hardly helped at all. A really awesome thing that happened though, was that i was excused from sixth period, SPANISH. I'm really not a fan of spanish i think its dull. Plus i didn't really do my spanish home work. After we cleaned and loaded all of the mats up on the truck I had to sweep the outside, kind of difficult since nature kind of magically conjures dirt everywhere! After that we had to set up all of the mats in a specific order in the new gym. THAT TOOK FOREVER! The design had to exact and so tight. very hard to make mats tight when they have so much traction on the bottom. After countless mats and sore feet we were done. We also had to move those yellow/black tables that you see all the asian kids sitting on, those are also VERY heavy. After taking a quick look at it i was excited that we made something look so neat and professional. Although every time i think of the match my hands begin to shake with either fear or anticipation.
So Alexa is my long time girlfriend. I first attracted her by showing my stalker potential, yes we are not the average couple and i LOVE it. Recently she moved pretty far away so our time together is scarce but precious. She is the most artistic person i know. She completely loves the whole drawing aspect. She recently got a new camera from someone who must like her alot, alot. So now she is taking pictures of all kinds of things that spark her interest. Although I'm sure she enjoys being with me, she has picked up some bad habits from me. I'm the kind of person who sleeps from anywhere between 1-5 on fridays-sundays. When i first began talking to this lovely lady she would fall asleep at ten or even earlier. At first i didn't believe she slept so early, but just wanted to stop talking to me. Now i can get her to stay up until 1 if im lucky but normally 12 is her cut off time. I love talking to Alexa since we have really open minds we can talk about anything and it will be fine. Although with such a variety of topics its sometimes hard to choose something to talk about and we end up taking a long time just talking about nothing.
But the one thing i can decide about in an instant is that Saturday is going to be a really enjoyable day.
Lots of plans for the weekend, hey mr clouds dont rain on my parade ;3

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