Friday, October 14, 2011

[response] twinkle twinkle, not so little star

Ever since I saw them, I've always had a fixation on stars. Seeing Jazmine's post made me want to talk about it.
When you look up at the stars Do you take the time to think? Do you wonder? Do you blank out? Or do you just relax? Tell me what is is about the night sky That is just so magnetic in life It pulls us in and does not let go

What amazing secrets our universe holds with those tiny blinking lights up there. Recently whenever I've been staring at the stars, on nights where fog isn't dominating everything, I've been thinking how cool it is that we are all made form star dust. (info taken from Dr. Griffith) All of the elements that compose the human body all originated from some star(s) that exploded XXXXXXXX years ago. And while we are all the same elements, only different chemical levels and life experiences have shaped us all out to be the individuals we all are.

The star's relax me in a way that is very hard to explain. They are always there, and move about in a pattern. The reliability of them is something that humans can find comfort in. And surprisingly they are quite comforting to gaze up at. That our little planet isn't the only thing in existence, makes me feel somewhat fuzzy inside. Things... that are so different really take a hold of my imagination and run off with it.

Humans are curious beings that are drawn to things that we have a limited knowledge of. What makes it so irresistible to check your phone the second it goes buzzing, what force makes you keep turning the page, and what is it that makes us ask questions. That very thing is make draws us towards the stars. They hold the secrets of the entire universe, yet we have no means of extracting that information..yet. Hopefully in my lifetime we will get some kind of advancement of space travel, or maybe I'll be lucky enough to witness something else try to make communication with the planet Earth.

1 comment:

  1. I loved your post!
