Friday, October 14, 2011

[free] mbahkung

So my grandfather, mbahkung, died a couple nights ago, and that got me thinking about death and all of that really depressing stuff, so if you're not in the mood to read something a bit....sad... then click away!!

Using Adam vision we see at the very base level of life we see a constant that really pops out, which are choices. What we make of our time alive is ultimately decided based off of what choices you decided to choose over another. Every single moment your are deciding to do something over another which is shaping the events that happen to you throughout your lifetime. This statement completely amazes me. I cannot get behind the concept of destiny, we control our lives... or at the very least the human species is in control of our collective futures. So why would it be any different at the end of our lives?

An idea I've been juggling around in my head is the idea that death may just be like life on the very basic level. In a sense that once you die..somehow you make a active choose as to whether or not you want to go to heaven, be reincarnated,, or maybe even a ghost free to wander the earth and the universe. Now this concept isn't a very strict one, as there are many ways for this theory to work out. Perhaps our last mental thoughts right before we die are imprinted on ourselves (a bit like Source Code) and that you experience whatever you were thinking about... like an endless dream.

Perhaps death is just as dependent on choices as life is? In this theory I really emphasize the strength of human will. Do our beliefs dictate what's beyond death? Exemplified in the way we can alter our dreams by thinking of them strongly before sleep. Because I want this to happen, will my mind create it so it does happen? Ever get the feeling that you've been sitting for hours in a class room when in reality it has only been 5 minutes? So many things can go through our heads in that 5 minutes, so much so that it feels like a large amount of time has passed. Maybe when we're about to die this is what happens and you go to where-ever you thought would happen.

probably more on this later..

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