Friday, September 30, 2011

[CE] China's Space Station

People seriously underestimate China and it's impacts on furthering human intelligence and technology. Sadly I think people see China only as the communist country that produces cheap materials for the world to consume. In the United States, citizens often have no idea of the big impact China has on the United States. Most are not even aware of the mass bonds China has bought from the US making the US owe china extreme amounts of currency. 

China going ahead of Russia and the United States should be a wake up call for other nations. A country that has a very massive and modern army, a production line that seems to feed the world, and is a communist country (a big no no to Americans) is able to keep all of those things running with success, and have a space program really shows to me how behind the US is. 

If China gets a foothold in space and its resources they can hold a strong position in keeping our Earth habitable for much longer. Space has so many answers that could solve some major issues that we are facing as a species right now. (However it has many dangers as well) Terra-forming planets can relieve stress of over population, we could mine minerals from astroids/planets, FREE ENERGY from the sun just to name the big three. If China gets a monopoly over space, it could definitely become the most influential and powerful country on Earth. 

I want to see the United States make an investment in space, instead of letting China go without any challenge. Competition is the American spirit, and i want to see that versus China. Or better yet, the UN could take a bigger role in space exploration, that would provide more profitable for the Earth as a whole.

Kudos to China for stepping up their game, and showing how efficient they can be.


  1. The People's Republic of China is not a communist state. It never was. I do not know where one had received such greatly inaccurate information. China is an unitary single-party state. There has never before been a Communist state. Communism is a classless and stateless society structured upon common ownership of the means of production.

  2. Yes, but their sole party is the Communist party of China. It's not very hard to derive that the country is a communist one, especially when their ONLY party is a communist party.

    A communist state is characterized as a single party rule or a dominantly ruled state by a party of communist intentions. (taken from wiki) Which is what is happening in The People's Republic of China.

    Now, while China may not say that it is a communist state, many people in the US will still call China a communist state because that is their sole party. But yes, if I had known that China preferred to be called a socialist state, then I probably would have said that. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

    I have nothing against socialists and their ideals, I am behind many of the ideas that socialists hold.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. ...I'm going to have to censor that vulgarity
