Friday, October 16, 2009

Close Friends Part 1

I usually hang out with the same 3 people at lunch. I'm fine with it because i love these people very much and would never get tired of being with them. I know that i can always trust David (Bruce Lee), Nathan tieu, and Nathan Truong. We have been hanging out and close since 4th grade and we are all still very close. All we did during recess in elementary school was play different variations of tag. We loved to run and be active and race and all that jazz.
I met David first. We sat next to each other in Mr Weinreb's class. Our first great bonding moment was when i offered him some Nerds to eat. We started messing around like "aah don’t eat me I’m a Nerd” and stuff like that. Basically a play on words with what the candy was called, Nerds. After that we began to sit and talk to each other more and even play at recess. I believe it’s meeting David that I love running and sprinting so much. (Thanks David :D ) Playing tag and survival tag at recess is how I met Nathan Tieu and Nathan Truong. At first i was kinda wary, i was scared of making new friends and how they would think of me. 9/11 was still fresh in people's thoughts and I'm Muslim so yeah.. Turns out they were very accepting and we had a bunch of fun. The Nathans and I never got all that close until middle school though and our elementary friendship was strictly recess which i thought was fine. Back in the day we weren't really into music as we are now but more into exploring and roller-blading. I loved exploring Alameda it used to be so huge and filled with wonders unlike today's boring old Alameda. (The Friendship story continued next week!)
P.S. I love how so many other people are into Muse I love them also~
(lack-luster blog post =( )


  1. David and I are like wtf... lol...
    We weren't even thinking that you were Muslim and didn't thought you had anything to do with 9/11 incident. -_- ... . . .

  2. HAAY, youre missing a big chunk of your story.
    its okay, it just slipped your mind this week,
    i expect to see HALI more in this story tho.

  3. Wow. I never would have guessed you'd been in a position to get nervous about people's response to your Muslim identity. I'm glad your fear was unfounded, though!
