Friday, October 9, 2009


Back in the day when I was shorter and much younger I was enrolled in a boat camp. And yes you guessed it my favorite part of boat camp was to kayak. It was fascinating to me as a kid. The way you sliced through the water silently and fast, not to mention the simplicity it was to make it move. It was love at first sight. Of course I jumped into a red (favorite color) kayak and frantically tried to learn how to paddle. At first it was weird since there were a whole bunch of kids in a small area desperately trying to move from point a to point b. Eventually we all got through our basics and were able to ride free in Lake Merit (Oakland). At first my friends and I were all about racing and who go the furthest with the minimum amount of pushes. We basically loved the smooth parts of the water.
A couple weeks of this and I eventually got a little bored of the same routine. I noticed, as the wind picked up the waves grew a lot wider and deeper. Curious as to what would happen if I paddled into the newly formed wave I rushed over before it could die out. I plunged down in a short burst but bobbed right up in a fast motion. Surprised I was a tad stunned but it was surprisingly very fun. I loved windy days from then on, I thought that this was the true joy of kayaking. Oh, how I was so naive I then noticed how when a speed boat goes by MULTIPLE deep waves come racing towards you. Seeing this i tried my hardest to go towards it. It was scary and fun I rocked so violently that I could have sworn I was going to capsize. I didn't and it has been a very fond memory, lasting even until now vividly.
Now i hope to go Sea kayaking I would like to ride those huge waves i see. I'm a tad scared of going in fast rafting waters though. Too many rocks for my liking =( . My goal i do have sort of planed out with my mom though is to kayak all the way around Alameda. I think it would be fun and an awesome experience to do.