Friday, October 23, 2009

Shadows -argh so hard to write about-

Shadows are pretty neat. Scientifically shadows are just an area of space that a light source cant reach. Thinking like this nigh time is like a blanket of a shadow, but then that makes no sense because the moon+stars make a pretty good light. Hmm maybe at night its possible for a shadow within a shadow? Just rambling on now =(
When I was little i always thought of my shadow as my personal friend/stalker (to me same thing). It seemed to always follow me, and i would play games with my shadow like trying to run away from it or trying to trick it. Unfortunately my shadow is super smarter then I am so yea.
At another point in my life i used to think it was the opposite me who lived on the inside of the Earth. That i was probably his shadow if the world was inside out pretty crazy idea but i think it would make an awesome novel. Although it would be pretty bland if everything was a shade of black. More recently I have been looking into multiple dimensions and how very possible it is that multiple realities could be happening in a area of space we cannot perceive, which makes me think back to the days of my alternate me (shadow) and our many adventures.
A lot of cultures and people think of shadows as evil beings. Which in a sense shows what they think of themselves if a shadow is a part of you. I can think of a few reasons as to why some people might think of this. The thought of a dark being following your every step in the day and suddenly disappearing at night is a pretty scary thought. People with more open minds or even simple ones often love there buddy who seems to never leave them alone.
Hali I'mm sorry ill write about you next week, The Office is on so shhhh



    Click the "look inside" link to read the first few'll probably dig it. This book is on my wish list but I haven't gotten it yet...
