Friday, May 21, 2010

future career(s)

First i would like to clearly state that I HAVE NO FUXIN IDEA WHAT I WANT TO BE WHEN I GROW UP. Ok, thats false i really want to rule the world when i grow up >:3
The first thing that i would like to try at first i guess is being an author. I like to think that I have some sort of creativity. I dont really try to write about anything with too deep of a meaning or realistic. I use writing as a means of getting away from my real life when it's too boring, or when too much is happening. I can create MY own world then shamefully tr to get compliments from my friends. Seems more like a hobby at the moment, sadly. Apprently I cant keep focused and continue just ONE story. I have to create like 7 and only write a chapter or each before i get stuck or find it boring. I do love writing, but i think i should work on short stories more then a whole novel.
A field of interest i am obsessed with is space. Almost everything about it interests me. Learning about new planets that's around our solar system is also fascinating. Possible life in space is what has the majority of my attention. I probably wouldn't even mind if they were hostile, kinda weird...i mean unusual. Just the idea of another species, not even intelligent, living on another planet is an idea that puts joy into my life. Space travel and light speed are two subjects separated by a thin line. Without light speed traveling in space with current technology that the public is aware of isn't worth the amount of time that is needed. Oh space how i love thee so.. alas mathematics is our one strong defiance. Without having to deal with math then space and i would be the perfect match.
Marine biology is very close to home. My grandfatha used to study horse shoe crabs blood or some other stuff with marine life. What excites me with this subject is the potential of studying and finding new species. That is probably the closest i will ever get to an "alien" life form. The study of creatures under the huge pressure of the oceans is also something very complex that i would like to know more about. Some marine animals can thrive miles below the surface yet are sometimes seen near the surface, indicating that they have very adaptive bodies. The first "immortal" animal is a jellyfish.....cah ray zee
Something that i really would like to do is be a teacher. The idea just seems so awesome, i get to be the smartest one in the room and share everything i "know" with who ever is willing to listen. It feels like i should get a job first then after awhile step down to teaching and be "that one really old but still hella cool" teacher. Ahem.
I guess i just have too many things i wanna do. But in reality not too many are practical for me. I'm not very sure what i excel in quite yet, but as of now those are my top interests.
What do you think i should be?

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