Friday, May 14, 2010

Unwind letter 2

Ok so im going to try to do something a tad different, sorry if this ruins your whole plan Mr. S. Instead of picking my own quotes I am going to take one quote from my partners and write my own opinions of the specific segment(damn i cant find tim's blog, ill do his quote later expect an edited updated version). Perhaps this way we will have something better to talk about since it will be directly related.
Second part of the book is just as exciting as the first. Reaching people who actually care about the Unwinds shows us there is still hope for the "troublesome" children. They may just have a chance to escape their cruel world and make a living, literally. Connor and Risa's relationship is becoming more evident and is blooming into something with significance. While Connor and Risa are being transported to several different safe houses, Lev is on an adventure of his own. Lev meets a person who has received part of a brain from an Unwound kid. We see how it effects his being as a whole and how he views of having a part of him thats not acutally him. After that whole ordeal Lev manages to get his way into the same safe zone Connor and Risa are residing in. I don't really know what else to tell you about the story without giving massive spoilers, I would be devastated to ruin an AMAZING book for someone who hasn't read this before.
"I know. I deserved it, and so it's okay, says Lev. But don't you ever git me again, or you'll regret it... Lev leaves, but Conner can't sleep. Every Unwind has a story you don't want to know. He supposes that Lev now has his"

Lev, the kid who used to be a little wimp about everything. The kid who blindly followed the every word his parents told him. Who actually accepted the idea of being Unwound. We;; obviously that has changed, he is not a total badass. I never imagined someone with his mind set would be able to talk to Connor in such a way. The whole ordeal of running from the authority i guess can change your whole being, is what i am getting from this scene. A dark process that every Unwind has been through and utterly changed their whole characteristic. I wonder if i would be able to stay "Adam" if i knew society was fine with me being killed and encouraged the pursuit of my limbs.
Tim i will take your quote after i contact you and get your blogger address.

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