Friday, May 14, 2010


My sound environment I think would be the same as any other Alemedan. When I wake up I'm delightfully greeted by a blaring alarm. Slowly, I rise from my deep slumber and head to the bathroom. The light hum of the heater and fan go by unnoticed as i do my buisness. I hear my dog, Radar, barking or clawing at the door trying to pry inside to the warm haven. Dressed, I prepare my things for school. The rough zipper sound fills the air as my backpack becomes full. The heavy footsteps of my dad coming downstairs tells me it's about time to leave.
Opening and closing the front door creates an unsightly squeal. For a brief moment the birds above stop conversing to check us out, noting that we are of no threat, the birds cheerfully go back to their chirps. Once inside the car not much talking happens between my dad and I. Still groggy and nothing on our minds words just dont flow. Instead the noise of an annoying radio show host fills my ears while stare ahead. Soon all sounds get drowned out as i put my headphones on, temporarily escaping from a boring world.
Once inside school the chatter of the other kids is deafening. Although, eleven years of it has trained me to subconciously block out all kinds of chatter recieving only sound from friends, whose voices i am well accustomed to. AS we share our thoughts in the morning my locker opens with a clang of metal on metal. The locker below mine echoes with a deep rumble as i stack books on top carelessly. When im done my locker shuts with an obnoxious clammer that receives a few stray looks.
The soft ring of the bell is barely audible over the orgy of voices trying to invade my ears, but we all hear it and take notice. No one jumps or makes a sudden movement, it's like the wind it just passes by like a normal occurrence. The thunderous sound of feet surround us as the stream of kids lazily go to their respective classes. I'm absoloutely positive that they are all talking, but i hear nothing. My mind is focused no my own stuff i don't have time to comprehend what each individual around me is saying or, for the matter care.
Sitting down in my History class i absent mindlessly stare outside the window. The chatter of classmates increases as time goes on. The soft conversations of people outside the window slowly make their way into my ears and i catch small segments of conversation. I secretly choose someone in the class and eavesdrop as i wait for the period to begin.As the period starts all conversations seem to fade into oblivion. It amazes me how students can be controlled be a single sound. The period is normally silent as Casper lectures, but as the period ends the noise raises.
Next period is Sutherland. The class is pretty noisy, but you know how to control us when need be. I love the sound of paper turning as we read in class. The pencils tapping against the hard desks during a quick write as everyone furiously trys to unload their minds contents into the paper in front of them. The accents you make are wondervul by the way.
Chemistry is just chaos. Jokes that all kids our age knows while the teacher just goes by thinking we are talking about normal things. Sometimes i feel bad, but then i get reminded of my grade and i dont feel too bad anymore.
I dont wanna go on about my day anymore so i just wanna say the sounds of my day are quite noisy. Most of it goes my unnoticed unless i think back to it. Kind of a sad way that everyday isnt completely different, but i think humans look forward to something repetitive somthing they can rely on that will never change. Silly humans.

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