Friday, May 21, 2010

lit circle 3

Ill dive right into the quote this time around.
"...We believe in randomness... We believe in forces of nature-and WE are forces of nature. We are havoc. We're chaos. We mess with the world... It dosnt matter who or what we mess with, just as long as we mess. The way we see it, the world dosent move if things dont get shaken up..."

In a world as messed up as the world in Unwind, anarchists have the perfect place to act up in. Anarchy extremists can only thrive in a setting thats corrupt. In a world FULL of teenagers on the run from being chopped up into pieces I doubt it would be hard to convince to convince a kid to become an extremist. Imagine if the whole society you live in want you dead for something you don't even have control off, such as blood type or looking at a higher up the wrong way, or even being the tenth child in the family. Then comes along Mr. sleazy feeding you how the world is agaisnt you and needs to be "rocked" ,and even better by your own hands!! Boom a clapper is born. I would love to shake the world with my own might, but not as badly as to become a clapper, and probably a tad more productive then a clapper. People who feel the need to "to a force of nature" unto the world are adrenaline junkies who need the rush to feel better. The person who i quoted got killed in a riot, he died smiling because he was able to witness a giant riot at his last moments.
"the whole process of being unwound"

HOLY SHIT, THAT SCENE WILL GIVE ME NIGHTMARES FOREVER. Instead of being normal about and knocking you out during the process you HAVE to be awake. They take out your blood and give you a different fluid that gives your organs oxygen. You feel a comfortablenesses and tugging at limbs and as they work their way up your body they take away sections of the table our laying on. Then as they work on your brain, taking it apart bit by bit, memories flash by then disappear. Senses, names, memories all flash then fade until a comfortable rest takes over your sense of mind..then nothing. THATS JUST TOO SCARY FOR ME TO GO THROUGH. I would hate that more then anything. Nightmares are inspired by that one scene, its dark, but i love it =(. This scene is probably the most memorable to me.
Later guys~

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