Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Love (made to be edited later)

A lot of the "rules" of love do come from the mass media. Romantic movies play with the "standard bar" of what you should be doing with your significant other. Online porn may give you a feeling of what what the normals is, but may be complete actions to your partner. No doubt an exposure to TV, the internet, and advertising in general affect the general person in a significant way. People are just too embarressed to admit that they have no idea what to do so they have to steal ideas and actions from things they see and have been TAUGHT to do. In a perfect world (my mind) everyone would ignore the bs that is being shoved down our throats, and have an honest talk with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Talk about things your comfortable with and stuff thats not acceptable to you. If it's too uncomfortable to talk about things such as this pass notes, but stay in person. The only thing making us suspectable to the what the media feeds is is our own egos. We MUST be the best at everything and not show flaws so we subconsciously take notes on things that "work" from movies or other forms of media.
Guy's imaginations run amok when they think of doing the "wrong" thing. "If i kiss her she'll slap me or definetly kick in the balls." I can't say I've ever seen someone seriously do that to their boyfriend. The only place where i can remember seeing anything remotely similar to that kind of action is in movies. In reality the worst thing that i have been through or seen is just a really awkward moment. Of course we hate going through those, its not as bad as a kick to the family jewels. When girls think about doing something "wrong" i think they take it even worse. A lot of my friend girls always tell me that they did so and so and now they were terrified their boyfriend would break up with them. Well sure some boys would break up with girls for stupid reasons, but most of the time we are just happy your trying stuff with only us. So I think the only real consequence of doing somthing wrong with your partner is just a few moments of awkwardness that you could easily laugh off.
Rules that dictate what a couple do these days i think mainly relies on your friends. Those are the only people who i feel i care what they think about me. What they talk about and what they share can shape what you do with your partner.

1 comment:

  1. hey <3

    I think a lot of people don't notice when their love life is based on "rules", it's jsy instinct to copy what the television says. but all couples are different, some are confused, some are young, some are all about pleasure.., some are typical, and some are original. :) but all in all, as long as you love the other person, that's what matters, eh?
