Friday, May 7, 2010

rough draft zombie

The clatter of feet echoed back and forth inside the hallways. The once cheery posters campaigning to vote for certain school presidents and VP's are now smeared with blood. This shouldn't have happened, not to this school it was supposed to be like any other day. Daniel was sitting in his science class when it began. Already staring out the window he notices a girl outside walking aimlessly with hair all over the place. "Mrs. Pert can i go to the bathroom? It's an emergency!" Daniel said without even trying to be sincere. Running down the hallway too catch up with mysterious girl he made sure to look at his reflection. His black wavy hair slyly touched his ear lobes. Brown eyes that gave a limited view into his personality. Tall for his age, and never let anyone forget it. Finally catching up to her, Daniel notices security walking up to her. Peeking out of the window, but crouching low enough to not be witnessed for leaving class. Slowly the security officer reached out for her shoulder trying to be calming. The second the security guards hand touched her, it was like the flip of a switch. Her head lunged for his outstretched arm, teeth fully bared. Daniel saw the teeth easily sink into the arm and let out a yelp. A terrifying yell escaped his mouth as his blood seeped in between skin and teeth. Three more guards rushed outside to aid him pepper spray drawn. All three sprayed the girl's eyes, but it had no effect. She didn't even wince, let alone wince. Daniel was stuck to where he was. The sight was horrifying, but his feet wouldn't listen to him. He knew he should run out and help, but all he could do was turn away and run.
Katie saw Daniel rush towards the building entrance, and couldn't resist following him. Every girl who had her wits about her knew that Daniel was one of the best looking boys at school. Having her chance to be alone with him she took it without thinking twice. Sure she would probably get detention, but hey! it's Daniel! Katie saw Daniel crouching looking out the window. Trying to be flirtatious she sneaked up behind him. Just as she was about to put her hands over his eyes he jerked up, slamming his head into her nose. Her shriek went unnoticed, due to the commotion outside.
Daniel didn't feel a thing. Numb from the grotesque sight he just witnessed, he gladly turned around to help Katie up. Katie was just a someone he saw every now and then not someone who stood out to him. The blood spilling out of her nose made him shudder and feel more guilty about what he just did to her.
"I'm sorry about that, i was spooked that's all."
Nose in agony Katie lamely replied, "It's fine i just wanted to talk to you. You look kinda pale, you ok Daniel?"
A swarm of police officers ran past them, guns drawn. Daniel quickly ignored Katie and turned for the window. The girl was lazily attacking the security gaurds who were covered in dark red, from the many bites. The officers yelled at the girl to get on the ground. The first officer decided to taze the girl. Eyes grew wide as the electricity made her body jump, but not making her fall. In fact this woke her up. Eyes grew wide, suddenly she sprinted to the officer. Shots were fired, but that wouldn't stop her from sinking her teeth into the neck of the man who tazed her. Katie screamed, Daniel stood in horror. Daniel caught a glimpse of what was outside of the school gates. More people who mimicked the weird girls movement slowly heading towards the school.
OK guys kind of rushed would love to revise it with you guys.

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