Friday, May 7, 2010

Unwind letter 1

Okay gotta just say this first, THIS BOOK IS AMAZING. I would say it's my favorite book of it's just pure win. It covers all the genres i like in a book and keeps the story moving at an awesome pace. Definetly an all night reader if you ever get a chance to read it. Romance, action, and the realism is what first attracted me to this book. Everything in this story feels like it could happen tomorrow if things took a bad turn. Even the Clappers, who seem hard to believe, are actually very capable in real life. Good thing terrorists don't read teenage books though... i hope.
In Unwind, the process of being unwound is when your parents sign a paper saying they don't want you and the government can basically take your body and use all of it's parts to give to other people who need them. From 13-18 you are at risk of being signed up for an unwinding, but abortion is now outlawed. This is only reasonable to the people because your not REALLY dieing, how can you be dead if 99.44% of your body is still alive and functioning. The only difference is that you are not all together in one place. Reasonable logic right...?
The Storking Initiative is if you have a baby but don't want it, you can simply place it on someones doorstep. If you can leave it their without anyone seeing you place the baby on the steps that baby is no longer legally yours, but now the owner of the house. If the anyone catches you trying to stork a baby then by law that baby remains yours until you dont get caught. Its like a fun game! Playing with the babies life ooh fun world.
"She considers ringing the bell and running, but she realizes that would not be a good idea. If they catch her, she;s obliged to keep the baby-that's part of the Storking Initiative too-but if they open the door and find nothing but the child, it's "finder's keepers" in the eyes of the law. Whether they want it or not, the baby is legally theirs."
This girl a teenager just dosn't want to have the responsibility of taking care of a baby at her age so she decides to stork the baby. If you can't handle consequences then make him wear a damn condom if your going to have sex, come on. If i was Storked i would most likely hate all adult figures who let this happen day to day and do nothing about it. To not act against an unjust action is just as bad as doing the action yourself. Perhaps the author was trying to convey the message that we as a society are lazy and rather the easy way out then actually dealing with our bad judgment.
Are we, as a country, too dependent on tests to judge to judge the worth of our youth and citizens? While some students excell at school work and testing, others may be extremely talented in other areas of importance that noone will ever realize because people judge so extremely on what other people tell them to judge you on.
"I was never going to amount to much anyway, but now, statistically speaking, there's a better chance that some part of me will go on to greatness somewhere in the world. I'd rather be partly great than entirely useless."
This kid has been fed this garbage over and over until he finally started seeing the way his peers did. Stockholm Syndrome? I would rather be in one piece as adam then be separate all over the world doing things i could already be doing with my body as a whole. Unwinding is when parents think their child or society thinks that a kid (13-18) is of no use to the world, besides limbs and organs. Instead of trying to teach a them how to improove their life and give them life skills they would be able to use in the future, they get rid of the problem by turning their backs on people who could use the most help. Being useful to the world for only your blood type is way more depressing then being re-educated. To be unwound by your parents, non the less would be horrible for your psych someone who you've been with for the first 13 years of your life decides to throw you out at just a few complications that may or may not have been your fault.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! This lit. circle letter is the bee's knees of blog posts on Unwind. IT is such a good book. I simply cannot wait to find out how it ends.
