Wednesday, September 28, 2011

[BI] I Haz talent? (UC rough draft)

    A talent that many of us take for granted is simply writing. It is often the misconception that everyone is able to write, but that is untrue for a large portion of the world, and even still only recently is it expected upon the majority in America. I revel the fact that I live in an area where reading and writing is a major part of my daily life. Since a child I have taken the ability to write into my own little hobby where I would create my own world and explain myself in ways that I would never be able to without the aid of writing.

    English being my second language I have always fumbled over my words and had a tough time delivering my ideas clearly to other people. Writing was a way for me to communicate without having some weird accent or miss pronouncing words. At that stage in life writing was universal, as I could communicate with everyone around me with ease. Naturally, I was focused on this particular skill, and it became my most practiced “subject”. At an early age i was already engrossed with the use of the mighty pen.

    I no longer used writing for the sole purpose of communicating, but now I was focused on entertaining. Being an avid reader, I was well versed in several different fantasy worlds. I was easily swept from one reality to another as the intricate words tricked my senses into becoming one with the novel. As I reflected and saw how I read these books with so much fervor, I knew that I wanted to cause this same effect on others when they read what I have to write. In middle school my imagination exploded into an awesome resource. At first the people who I presented my writing to seemed to be bored; I quickly learned that people my age would rather be reading fiction, as I was, so my focus changed once more.

    When I began writing about topics that I was already genuinely interested in, such as space exploration, was when people started to become involved with my works. That first wave of people asking me to continue the story is where I draw up all of my energy to continue writing no matter what. Honestly, without that encouragement from my peers when I was younger I would not have the joy I get from writing as I do now. In middle school I was still not mature as a writer. For some odd reason I would be capable of creating amazing ideas, but I could never create an ending for any of the stories I wrote.

    In high school I really learned the importance of grammar and the overall structure or sentences and essays. This, I will admit, is ultimately my downfall as I still struggle with writing clean essays. What is most important to me is that I continue to enjoy writing, about anything. That is a talent that I treasure more than any grade. As long as writing in itself is enjoyable, I know that I can live a happy life.

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