Friday, September 23, 2011

[CE] Huff and Puff and Ill blow your class down

To create an important building out of a cheap material, that you can find laying around the streets in countries such as those is an amazing idea. Especially when there is a plastic floating island somewhere out there in the Pacific this is a really good way to use these plastics in a way that is significantly less harmful  towards living organisms.

However while this idea makes good use of plastic bottles that are thrown out, I fear that companies will think that it is okay to keep producing hard to recycle products. I fear that companies will rely on human ingenuity to take care of their mess.  While I think we can solve many problems that we face with pure human awesomeness, that same awesomeness will be unable to cover everything without cooperation from people regardless.

Some people say that there is a major safety issue using plastic bottles as building materials. Such flimsy material is suspect able to natural occurrences such as earthquakes, high winds, and tsunamis. Once you get past the extremely dangerous forces of nature that a bottle classroom would not protect the students from, I feel like the structure is safe for people to be within. If the bottles fall down and hit people, well they're only bottles so it shouldn't hurt too much... If the roof is light...

The trouble of reconstructing the structure is almost eliminates if tethered together, it only needs a mere re adjusting and placement for the classroom's skeleton to be put up. I want to see this but in a town version.

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