Friday, September 16, 2011

[FR] Onegai Sensei

So today I met a new guy named Jeff. He's a very interesting person, who surprisingly shares a lot of interests as I do. We both like to bike, watch anime, and geek out over things. The kicker, to me, was when i found out he was 30 years old!! He had a wife and a two year old daughter, who would shank and stomp on him, yet he looked to be of early 20's or even late teens! I found this to be incredible.

I've always wanted myself to be the "cool" kind of adult. I've even thought about being a teacher every now and then because it looked so FUN to be out there and molding minds and what not. But then i realize a lot of people my age seem to blow off older people, who aren't even that old (25-40ish). They knock them off as too old, and that they wouldn't understand. I hear students say some snarky remark thinking they're outsmarting a teacher, but it's so incredibly obvious by context of what it is that they are implying. The way students run around thinking they are so much better than teachers, who are there to help them out, irks me to no end.

To understand that we all live in the same world, to actually think of each other as equals instead of one always being the other is what society should push for, no matter how unrealistic is something that should always be sought after.

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