Friday, September 9, 2011

[RE] Give a hoot!

While snooping around Justin's blog, he said something that really caught my eye.
Not really worrying about the future consequences. I'm not saying over think everything, but sometimes give yourself a wake up call. I feel like some people don't really think before they do...
 It really irks me when people do stuff without the ability to do something without cause. I hate watching people go up to the garbage bins at school and constantly put stuff in the wrong bin. I have to get up and talk about it to them, but it seems like less and less people care.
Some of my close friends have been doing this and when I confronted them, about destroying the Earth and all the environmental stuff I love, they replied back to me, "I won't be alive I don't care" I get so upset when i hear that response.
I don't like this ignorance is bliss ordeal that people get into so easily. Why would you not want to know the facts about anything you can. To mentally choose to block out stuff that bothers you about the world really cuts you off as a person, at least in my book. Many Americans seem to be almost proud that they don't know things. "Pfft I dont know!" is something that is very common to hear. Rarely is there a , " Explain" I think it is either because people become so prideful, or because they just don't care.
What makes people care though? Based off of the refusal to give a hoot, I'm starting to believe that people only care about a specific world (or local) issue once, and only once it involves the individual in subject. Self promotion, without instant gratification people will rarely step up and do something for the common good.
I sincerely believe that the more knowledge you collect on your journey of life, the more choices you will be able to choose from. Choices are what makes our lives eventful and humane.

1 comment:

  1. Aha, I think we are kindred spirits. I also cannot stand the apathy, or even prideful neglect of things because "I won't be alive for the consequences!"
    And then these people go on to talk about having children, and I think aloud how terrible it would be if said people (who have no regard for the future or well-being of the next generation) were to raise children. Then these people get mad, of course, because you can't stop me from having kids! It's my right! Not only that, it's my OBLIGATION!
    well. I could go on and on about the kind of negligence and ignorance people seem to love.
    That said, it's difficult to assume responsibility for something no one person caused. There is no blame to go around, well, the blame is upon the entire human species, so there would be no use dwelling upon it anyway.
