Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[FR] Refleccion

It's amazing how people change over 4 quick years. I'm sure I've changed in almost every aspect, no matter how much I want to tell myself that I am the same old Adam. Only recently have I thought that it's okay to change and not retain the same "you". I used to hold this pride in the fact that I could see everyone else change before my eyes, yet in my own biased opinion I was relatively the same. Stepping out of my ego for a moment I've come to terms with the severity of my own being which has, hopefully, matured.
Something that I constantly think that I have a sure foothold on is my goals in life. Now that I take the time to sit and think about goals, I'm starting to think that my goals may have been something that's been the most unstable of my... personality(?)
Something, that I think, know for sure is that  I want a career with nature (enviro science) or with technology (comp sci) . Now these are two very conflicting choices for me, as the two are nowhere in the same field as the other. So in college I can't just so easily switch to the other if something comes up. I sincerely care for the Earth and the pursuit to gain and spread knowledge of our amazing Earth. I think it's amazingly irresponsible of us to know more about the moon, a satellite orbiting our planet, instead of our oceans, which could contain incredible secrets to help us progress as a species.
Then there are computers, amazing man made machines that have the potential to surpass the human brain! (some would argue it already has). Any advancement of technology I am fully behind (that is relatively eco friendly). Unlike many people I am all in for human/robotic fusion, upon consent. I am a strong believer of the right to do to your own body as you wish, and i for one would love to to activities my human nature restricts. More on this later~


  1. A potential misconception is "change." The changes that occur within us are more like personal discoveries like interests. Or an experience, in this case, "stepping our of [your] ego."

    Basically as the years go on, we "evolve" (mature) as opposed to changing because personality and interests never change exactly, it has been and always will be there, we simply have to be in-tune to it.

  2. Being the Pokemon enthusiast I am, I cant help but to fawn over the use of "evolve". I would have to say that i agree with you in that there will always be parts of me that will keep me "Adam" and parts of me that will advance my growth and maturity.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Nice post Adam, here's my response post.

  5. Loved the topic.
    My response:

  6. I responded on this too, well done.

  7. i also responded to this post. be true to yourself adam!;postID=8684530396150001808
