Friday, September 16, 2011

[CE] Words in Bullets out

Human beings. How I am torn with our decisions over conflict. War, an action to move political messages. To get more oil, to secure relations, and for some other reasons that I am not aware of or can remember are the main reasons for US to be in Afghanistan. I think it's despicable to make our soldiers fight battles in which they are not fully aware of their main reason. I believe in very strongly that if you are able to get worked over an issue to the point that you would send troops somewhere to settle things, that you should be the one fighting, or at the very least you should be leading the fight on the front lines. Sadly, this is not the case. Those who have "high" rank jobs, for whatever reason, need to be protected at home instead of actually defending their opinions.

In this video clip I have a tremendous amount of respect for these medics who fly around in hot zones rescuing people. What I love and hate is that they try their best to heal friendlies and enemies alike. It takes so much gal to fly a helicopter into the middle of a battle while bullets whiz by and strike your craft. No matter how much protection you have there will always be the chance of an rpg speeding on by towards your craft. Putting your own safety away to tend to those who have already been injured is an amazing human trait that is found less often in people. Now to heal the injured of others is something that I love because it shows human compassion, that we are all one species, one type of animal and that we care for one another severely. I hate it at the same time because what is even the point of war if we are just reviving everyone(not literally)? It prolongs battles to unnecessary lengths and makes it hard to win. To prevent unnecessary pain and death I feel like the people/companies who help spark these wars figure it out between themselves, and to save our forces for defense instead of invasion. A news crew went to Afghanistan with a picture of the twin towers burning, and most of the people asked had no idea what the picture was of. Which means that a great number of people in Afghanistan have no justification for American troops to be living within their borders.

Just my two cents

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