Friday, September 30, 2011


So I'm taking the SATs again tomorrow. I'm so freaking nervous, even though it's my second time taking the test, it still intimidates me. I have terrible studying habits and perform even worse on high pressure tests, yet that is what is expected of competitive students. While I feel out of my element I will take the test anyways seeing as that is what most people do to prove themselves worthy of a specific college.

For some reason I've never even though about going to a Community College until recently. The allure of a 4 year college with big campuses and large lecture halls have always been my idea of what should happen after High School. The exciting dorm life surrounded by people that I have never met before is constantly pulling me towards that direction. The independent - ish lifestyle that goes as a package deal when you go to a UC or some other big school is what I need.

Now I am at the very door steps to college and I'm more nervous than ever. UC's have been getting harder and harder to get into. I used to be extremely confident with my UC placement, but now comparing myself, on paper, with many other peers I'm so far behind. Sadly I place at like 51% of my class which doesn't look good at all.  With the increases to college admissions my parents are encouraging me to go to a community college simply for the cost, and I am seriously concerned over this. I really want to experience the 4 year college experience, yet I don't want to put my family in a financial bind.

While I don't want to give up on my dream, I can't let my family suffer just because I want to experience something. I will still apply to my favorite UC's, but sadly, more than ever now, I am becoming okay with the idea of being denied. That scares me.


  1. I'm sorry you feel yourself in this bind. All I can do is teach the hell out of your senior year and write a glowing rec letter (if you'd like)...but no bs, I hear ya. The UC deal is getting more and more complicated for people these days and I think it's just tragic. You are not alone in your anxiety about this situation, if that's any comfort to you--which it probably isn't.

  2. Story of our lives huh? Well at least senior year that is. I responded on my blog and linked ur post as it was a fairly easy post to connect with as we all are experiencing the same system and all have doubts and dreams as well. Like Mr. Sutherland said, were all in this together

  3. Oh and I feel you on the SAT's. So many mixed feelings about that thing, I don't even know where to begin

  4. Did I mention that there are over 800 colleges & unis that don't require SATs? Yep. There are.


