Friday, September 16, 2011

[RE] Current Events and us

This segment stoof out to me from Lina Savage's post
"I would have never found out about important events, from the conflict in Libya to the hurricanes in the East Coast. "
I feel as if events around the world, that are actually rather substantial are a bit hidden from a majority of the younger population. Personally I feel that if you want to learn about the happenings of the world you must actively seek out whats happening. It's hard for teenagers to be involved with current events while we have active social lives accompanied with heavy school work.

If current events were more prevalent in our day to day lives, then I strongly feel like when you ask someones opinions on whats happening they wouldn't reply with just a shrug and an indifferent ehhh. People would have more solid opinions instead of taking in whatever their favorite teacher says without actually knowing what they are agreeing with. There's a dark notion within the back of my mind that my generation only care about something once their freedoms or pleasures are impeded on. Empathy is becoming harder to spread around.

I'm not sure how to entice others to pay attention when I, myself, am hardly keeping track of what happens in the world. I rely on my teachers to talk about it with the class, which i find to be incredibly insightful. While I dont always participate in class discussion I get so much from hearing my teacher talk about whats going on and other students inputs. Hopefully something big...but not too big happens to us so we become more aware of our neighbors, other humans around the world.

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