Friday, September 30, 2011

[RE] Racism is not an ingredient.

Heated up from hot debate yesterday I am going to respond with a reply to Stephen's (pronounced Stee-ven) post about the racist bale sale that has got everyone shouting about. "As much as I love diversity, I believe that by forcing colleges to offer an equal chance in education to all races is promoting as much discrimination as they are trying to prevent."
I completely agree with Stephens quote. I think it is important for people to be surrounded by a diverse people. Being inundated with a variety of races is vital to keeping stereotypes down, and to allow people to realize just how similar we all are to one another. We just learned this in APES, without biodiversity an ecosystem will fall apart without many variations. Without being introduced to different races a person may become closed off and weirded out by being around a large numbers of X race.

The bake sale, to me, was actually a good idea. I just don't think their peers understood what their objective truely was. People walked by and just saw a racist bake sale. While in reality they were just trying to grab attention, which they did, and tell people that this is what the current college system does with Affirmitive Action. People couldn't think past their initial rage at the bake sale, and therefore did not ever understand the intended message. If the Republican club which was running the bake sale had made it more clear as that they were being reflective of the school system, I believe they would have received much less negative feed back. It sucks when people can't look past initial feelings.

Affirmitive Action never made difference to me, as I was unaware of racial preferences from schools until very recently. I see a bunch of races being given chances to get into special X race only programs where they receive a bunch of help to push them up on the educational ladder. Now I'm half white and half pacific islander/asian(? I'm not even sure what to put on those bubble questions) and I've never been asked to enter a special program. However my girlfriend who is half black is taking every advantage she can get due to her mixed race. It bothers me a bit because she is already so qualified with amazing grades and the sort, and still shes getting an even bigger boost. Just a bit of jealously leaking out of me... Maybe more on this in the future.


  1. Aw man, you bring up another point that there are people who will take advantage over affirmative action. Also a number of students who are losing out on opportunities because of affirmative action. Anyhow good stuff :)

  2. Good stuff indeed. I appreciate your honesty and you bring lots of good perspectives to this issue. Quoted ya here, with the hopes that more will read your post:
