Friday, September 23, 2011

[FR] Secret Handshakes

Walking along the hallways of school and it will be almost impossible to not see two, or more, close friends performing some kind of secret handshake with one another. This spiked my curiosity. What goes on between these two people to make them want a secret bond between the two of them that noone else knows.

To be a part of something that no one else could ever be a part of is something in which I feel humans strive to achieve. We see this in colleges or in other achievements for people to feel a step ahead of others, if not superior.

People can argue that handshakes are meant for only between the people who are involved with the handshake, but in the act of performing it in public they show it off to anyone who dares wander by. The appeal of this is to dangle things in front of other people and to show that they will never achieve it.

Secrets are something that people hold pride in knowing of. Yet people find it hard to fight the urge to spread the secret to others of who they feel are responsible to keep. Sadly your foremost job was supposed to keep that intel to yourselves. To keep something secure you really have to put better judgement to not tell anyone at all, unless it is of utmost importance that need to know the knowledge that you withhold. 

In another way I can see intricate handshakes to be a form of dance. To express yourself and how you feel about another person can be shown to all your peers in a few well orchestrated moves. Again to show how creative you are with another person is definitely a form of art, but deep down I cant help but hold other people's handshakes as an insult to my own education towards their relationship.


  1. Inside jokes and sly, obscure references are my comedic handshake within my friendsphere, so to speak. I find that people do want something ONLY THEY can have, and to have power in that. To dangle something special in front of others' faces, like you said. Maybe this is why PDA is so common. Except I don't feel jelly, just awkward.
    I feel the insulting nature of it though :( I'm one of those people who values their friends the most in the world, and if I'm left out of the loop I'm devastated!!

  2. once again, wrote about one of your posts. they are great!
