Thursday, September 22, 2011

[RE] Family lovin

Stalking around people's blogs I stumbled across Natalie Ybarra's post and this line really struck me,
" im so glad my boyfriends family loves me, i couldnt deal with if they didnt. "
I can say that I am honestly happy for you, Natalie, to have your boyfriend's parents, at least, like you. To have someone as important as your boyfriend, for his parents to accept you is an amazing feeling.

Unfortunately the exact opposite has happened to me. My first few encounters with my girlfriends parents were dreadful and awkward. I'm completely sure that I did not meet any expectations of what a good boyfriend should have been for their amazing daughter. Now I am pretty sure that her parents would be a bit skeptical of anyone whom she wsas dating, but I failed to impress them when it counted.

Her dad is a very athletic person, so much so that he is the Baseball coach to several teams. I am no baseball person... I barely know the rules. This was probably a big thing for him seeing as his whole life has ad baseball in it, and I would imagine that he would like to converse with whoever dates his daughter about his favorite past time. I'm also kinda short and skinny... but I cant really work on that.

Now her mom on the other was a whole nother story. Now I generally make good first impressions, but deep down I feel like she didnt even give me a chance... Although she's Korean she is very American oriented, and I feel like she always wanted her daughter to date the handsome American guy.. which I can't really do. She's really hard to impress no matter and is kind of intimidating... as she kind of yells a lot.

Now thankfully I believe my girlfriend is completely worth all of it. She's amazing and extremely sharp. My favorite thing about her is her wit, I really like it when people can make snappy remarks to me which I can't predict. She's great and all, but college is really making me worry. I only hope the future has good things in store.

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